ESPN Senior Editor Joins San Francisco Chronicle as Sports Editor; First Transgender Editor of Major Mainstream Media Outlet

You may not know her name, but sportswriter Christina Kahrl just scored the journalism equivalent of a grand slam.

The longtime ESPN senior editor and co-founder of both the Baseball Prospectus think tank and the Baseball Writers’ Association of America 

announced on Twitter this month that she will be the next sports editor of the San Francisco Chronicle.

No stranger to blazing trails, Kahrl will become the first out transgender editor of a major, metropolitan mainstream media outlet in the U.S. when she takes the reins of sports coverage of the largest newspaper in northern California. The Chronicle is the state’s second major newspaper after the Los Angeles Times.

In addition to her first love (baseball), Kahrl is also the editor of the Football Encyclopedia and states in her Twitter bio that she “coined ‘Three True Outcomes’ & ‘wishcasting’ in my clever youth.”

Kahrl and her wife, Charley, only recently relocated to Long Beach as part of her job with ESPN, which has taken her from her hometown of Chicago to the ESPN mothership in Bristol, Conn. and back again.

She told her Twitter followers this opportunity is a dream come true.

Kahrl says she hopes her hiring at the Chronicle leads to more trans voices working in journalism — especially during this pivotal time.

“The timing also could not be more relevant — at a time when the consequences of the absence of trans voices in mainstream media stories reflects the failure of newsrooms to hire trans journalists, I would hope folks see this and remember we’re right here in this industry, and that they can profit from the examples set by ESPN & the Chronicle, in service to their duty to their audiences to deliver better, more informative stories,” she said. “We are your colleagues and peers — bring us into the conversation.”